Few days back LeeAnn Prescott of Hitwise wrote about Google blogsearch surpassing technorati in terms of traffic. I blogged about it and pointed out that my web traffic analyzer showed more traffic coming from blogsearch compared to Technorati.
Well, it appears that the case may not be that easily established. Andy Kazeniac of compete.com pointed out to me that their analysis found that this finding does not align with Compete.com data. Compete.com analysis shows that Technorati continues to hold a significant advantage over Blog Search.
I checked with yet another source – Quantcast and find that Technorati’s unique search numbers exceed that of Google blogsearch but lacks behind Tehnorati in relative growth (Quantcast data relates to November end data only unlike the decemeber end data used by the other two players). A feature by feature comparison would put Technorati ahead of google blogsearch (assuming all technorati features work well - for example tagging mechanisms are still not fully fine). I do know that measurement methodologies may vary between agencies and after a complete study of data available thus far, I shall far now go with compete.com Ryan Carigg’s assessment to be more objective, while I await Hitwise response on the matter. Objectivity and judgement is needed even in looking at trend graphs.
Category :Technorati, Google Blogsearch