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Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Changing Nature Of Content

Influx Insight points to the fact that content is breaking free of its tethers with increasing abandon. In future, one will be able to purchase a chapter or a passage of book, view your favorite TV show, long after the network has cancelled it and you can already create your own custom versions of software applications. Content is breaking free of its shackles and is being distributed to the edges. These changes are transforming the way think of media, as tidy little boxes that sold airtime and airspace in neat little formats. In the new era - formats, delivery and opportunity are now only limited by the creativity and imagination of the content distribution channel and the advertiser.The world is waiting, because both the incumbent media giants and the new players, need the same thing, ideas. No wonder search technologies have to keep pace.That signifies the next wave curling lines—be it blogs, RSS feeds, podcasts or digital editions— forcing publishers abandoning preconceptions.

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