I have been regularly writing about developments around Web 2.0, one of the hottest topics today including some defining edge emerging developments around Web 2.0 like here, here, here, here including the transcending nature of web 2.0.

Tim O'Reilly has posted a meme map of Web 2.0, a result of the "What is Web 2.0?" brainstorming session at FOO Camp 2005. Dion Hinchcliffe summarises several web 2.0 advances in an excallenet post :
1) Using the entire Internet as your API for new applications. The leverage and reuse possibilities are probably boundless.
2) Permalink requirements make your Web 2.0 applications stable, even when they're based on a dozen underlying services all over the Web.
3) Trust becomes a critical service in the Web 2.0 platform . Leveraging Wikipedia entries, Google PageRanks, Amazon Reviews, del.icio.us bookmark counts, and many others makes collective trust a measurable, quantifiable, and so vitally, a reusable service in the Web 2.0 stack.
4) Remixing data with high quality Web 2.0-friendly sources yields new possibilities and value. This is one of the bigger concepts that would help many organizations leverage Web 2.0 the most.
Web 2.0 Is indeed the hottest topic on the net today.
Category :Web 2.0