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Sunday, October 10, 2004web 2.0 - Event Ramblings by Ross MayfieldWeb 2.0 was truly wonderful in that it wasn't all company pitches or rock star panels, it brought in issues of the day that matter, says Ross Mayfield. The key happenings as Ross saw include:Larry Lessig, the only one to receive a standing ovation and backchanneling that he should run for President. His argument was media concentration combined with copyright regulation has led us to a permission culture instead of a free culture . Kim Polese's SpikeSource and its direct competitor SourceLabs provide a new category within the open source ecosystem that will help realize DIYIT. When industries commoditize, managing risk and reducing transaction costs is at a premium. Today open source is a volatile and liquid market. IT departments gain reduced upfront costs, but face market, portfolio (combinations) and operational risk that can be managed through certification, assembly and commodity management. If these businesses can get past the fact that you can't scale people and develop some technology-driven scalable processes, I think they have fantastic growth prospects. Social software demos of blogs, wikis, news aggregators, LinkedIn, Tribe, Wikipedia, Flickr, del.icio.us and Podcasting. It was a blast.It is an interesting time for social software and social networking. Social networking has largely been funded and now needs to demonstrate services on top of their more mature and still growing networks, and deliver revenue. Social software has matured to the level where people don't talk of the category, but the products, newly funded companies and success stories. Pretty good praise for Rojo as a web-based aggregator with social sharing. Flickr was truly all the rage, while del.icio.us, Basecamp, Newsgator and Feedburner got great mentions. Wiki was word at Web 2.0, at least the new word.Markets evolve today through a combination of competition between vendors, cooperation in standards and open source, customer education through shared practices and in the end, customer requirements. How language evolves matters less for hype cycles. Words do matter for explaining trends and describing customer problems and solutions. | |
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