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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Dell 2.0 : Good Move

I was speaking to a very senior ex-Dell executive few days back and solicited his views about Michael Dell returning at the helm of Dell Inc. My friend, now a colleague used to report to Michael Dell himself in the past,while working at Dell. He told me that things can only get better at Dell – He opined that Micheal would make a huge difference to the fortunes of Dell Inc, for sure.

Just came across this development -Michael unveils two new components of Dell’s digital media strategy: Dell IdeaStorm and a new functionality in StudioDell that will allow users to upload their own video testimonials. Dell IdeaStorm is aimed at allowing users submit their ideas about improving Dell's products and services, and the community votes on the best ideas. Its like a combination between a message board and Digg.com. While it was the case that partner/customer sites and user forums used to host messageboards – they would be normally hidden under authorizations for access. Dell is taking a refreshingly open approach in making it accessible by the public at large. I saw Mr.Dell’s video introducing the new features. It’s a great feeling to see business trying out true community building initiatives like this. By bringing a focus on business related issues while retaining the flavour(as promised by Dell) of user generated content available – Dell Inc is taking such applications to new heights. This is something that other business need to closely watch nay imitate /innovate likewise to reach out to customers.

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