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Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Act Of Blogging

Seth Godin writes,

The act of writing a blog changes people, especially business people. The first thing it does is change posture. Once you realize that no HAS to read your blog, that you can't MAKE them read your blog, you approach writing with humility and view readers with gratitude. The second thing it does is force you to be clear. If you write something that's confusing or in shorthand, you fail.

Respectful and clear. That's a lot to get out of something that doesn't take much time.It does indeed force you to be clear. There's no doubt - blogging helps one to be clear in your writing for one, but also clear about your point of view. Anybody blogging can relate to the fact over a period of time one gets aware of this and its truly edifying. Regularly we need to ask ourselves whats that value that one has added to society and keep pushing oneself to share genuine insights and be fearless in expressions, be humorous wherever it’s possible . Come to think of it, blogging helps one to express thoughts and ideas with multimedia tools – audio, videos & words . Like any evolving art, nothing would be fully rounded – but the power of online democracy is indeed strong and some in the world ranging from teenagers to seasoned professionals actually leverage this very well.


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