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Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Challengers Of Traditional Media

The other day , I saw in an Indian magazine – Business Today, a full page ad from Google India advertising for a position – I was for a moment curious about the choice of the media given the reach and pull that Google enjoys. Infosys finds that financial services company attract talent with better salaries and higher glamour quotient, much to its chagrin. The war for talent is intensifying. As I wrote earlier, after all winning the people war is a crucial determinant of success for any organization. In most of the knowledge business, the future value of enterprises are centered on building seemingly intangible assets vs the conventional measures of capital assets. Thats where good, capable people, well aligned team, well conceived strategy and top quality leadership matters. So it makes sense for online majors and category winners to leverage conventional media for its advances.
Its in this context, I found outsell inc’s the 20 company to watch list very interesting. Outsell Inc’s list has within it – far more companies than ever tat belong to the the search and technology categories . This, goes the claim demonstrates where valid, new challengers to traditional media will emerge. The second annual “20 to Watch” report shows who is presenting competition and threats to traditional publishing companies’ leadership, and how the landscape of information delivery continues to be rocked. This year’s 20 fall into six categories:
Search and data mining—Endeca, Eurekster, GlobalSpec, Snap.com and ZoomInfo.
Social networking and communities—Facebook, ITtoolbox, Last.fm and YouTube.
Bookmarking and tagging—Digg.
Business models—edgeio, Simply Hired and Zillow.com.
Virtual worlds—Second Life.
Technologies—Dapper, Fronter, Mozilla Firefox, RuleBurst, Salesforce and
Wait for the time, when the 100billion revenue earning companies begin to use online media aggressively when they plan to staff their CEO’s position. The online intersections with the traditional media is indeed getting stronger and more innovation and investments are going to make this transition faster, stronger and deeper.

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