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Saturday, September 09, 2006

Patricia Dunn Should Go

WSJ quotes people in the know of things that there were criminal acts invloved in the methods used to search the collected recrods. Patricia Dunn should go writes David Kirkpatrick. Fully endorsed. The HP issue gets murkier. Its chairperson reportedly spied on the company’s directors by having their telephone conversations tapped. If these are true, it is very clearly unethical and perhaps illegal as well. The events are clearly full of shame. After all HP is a legendary company and the founders of the company were well known for their neat and clean approach towards conducting business. Ms.Dunn need not wait for the board to declare loss of confidence in her. She should be fired immediately. Too often the board fails to stand up and lead by example- this should not be tolerated any further. Board and its conduct are always answerable to shareholders and law. Its also definitely a good practice to have the CEO & Chairman of the board position kept separated.It is high time that HP stands up and in the process send a firm, loud and clear message that it is once for all putting behind the shame and agony of the ugly happenings centered around its board members. For a technology company, being able to hold privacy and being ethical, given that it operates around the world is an absolute must. There is no scope for any ambiguity in this case.It is high time that HP board shows that it can act decisiviely to put this controversy behind it and make a strong stand against any sort of unethical acquisition of personal information. One essential way to send that message is to get rid of Patricia. Otherwise this will remain a mess that impacts the great and clean reputation of HP.

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