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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Enterprise 2.0

Just landed in singapore after a 12 hour flight from Newzealand and saw this definition of Enteprise 2.0 from MR. He writes that just as e-commerce, Web 2.0 or "Software as a Service" has laid the foundation for the birth of an entire sector-full of product lines and new companies, Enterprise 2.0 will do the same. He is spot on - Enterprise 2.0 is more than just Web 2.0 for business. Enterprise computing is far more complex than personal computing. It includes legacy environments, innumerable vendors, mismatched data sources, stringent regulations and far flung users. While Web 2.0 can deliver genuine advantages for both business users and consumers, the real "Enterprise 2.0" will encompass a far broader and more complex vision. I particularly liked the Enterprise 2.0 chart therein. Must read piece.

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ThinkExist.com Quotes
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