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Sunday, September 03, 2006

China -India Growth Story

Courtesy of Vinnie saw this Fortune article on expected indian growth and how this may beat the chinese growth. I have seen Vinnie's well meaning view on this as well. I travel often to China & India and have a certain feel of the situation. I routinely speak to very senior executives of Japanese, Korean eneterprises as well to understand their perception on this issue besides my regular interaction with global tech folks.There is no simple answer to this conundrum. However, I do feel that the Indian growth would be more broadbased and more progressive while the chinese would not yield on letting the steam off. I think that ultimately the instituitional strength of India - particularly in the financial sector may slightly tilt things towards India in the next 15 years or so. India is now almost ready for current account convertibility. India also needs to think big and break out of the humility gene syndrome. Also there is a near absence of managerial talent in china - but the chinese governement is hyper aggressive in pursuing growth. I do think that demographics may play a role here. However I must say that the chinese capability to build huge infrastructure and create a megacity in a decade, is something that India may not be able to match in the near future. May be there is no need to compare the growth of these two large nations. They have to grow a lot more for years to come to take millions out of poverty. I am off to NewZealand shortly - shall write in more detail on this topic later.

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