The Boston Consulting Group has a new report out, The New Global Challengers: How 100 Top Companies from Rapidly Developing Economies Are Changing the World. BCG lists 100 of these top performers as the RDE 100 – that’s "rapidly developing economy." Of these, 70 are from Asia (China has 44, India 21) and 18 from Latin America.These are really big corproations - look at the impressive numbers :RDE 100 companies’ portfolios contain $520 billion in fixed assets, and, in 2004, they employed 4.6 million people with a payroll of $20 billion – purchasing $200 billion a year in raw materials and energy, $50 billion in parts and components and $40 billion in services. It is interesting to watch the nature of these emerging giants : While more than two thirds of the Chinese companies are state owned or controlled, all the Indian companies in the list are publicly listed except only one which is state controlled. All the publicly listed indian companies have foreign investors as stakeholders. The report notes ithat emerging global companies from RDE’s are going global because they’re focused on organic growth but find that their domestic markets either don’t have the scale or the resources to allow them to deliver sustained measures of shareholder value and maintain competitive advantage that are needed. Global reach gives them opportunity to tap new revenue streams and access to raw materials. Some of them are showing signs to become global leaders as well in the process. Also look at the latest Delloite & Touche’s latest report on the asian giants – China & India.
Category :Emerging Markets