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Monday, June 26, 2006

Narayanamurthy On Competitiveness

Very rarely one comes across business leaders who can offer new perspectives every time they speak - NRN is the amongst the tallest of indian business leaders who can offer different perspectives, every time he airs his views. In an interview, he attributes the dramatic and powerful effect that the Indian headquartered firms has on the worldwide tech industry to becoming more and more relevant to customers and are having greater and greater impact in atleast two ways: helping the customers reduce the the cycle time in designing and implementing new systems that reflect the changing marketplace and the new business rules & the second thing is we're able to giving more value for money.
Stating that the multinationals entry shall accelerate the Indian headquartered firms to innovate more – he identifies that there are five elements of success. They are:
- Openness to learn: Openness to subordinate your ego to take ideas from others.
- Second, meritocracy: The best ideas are adopted and implemented using data to arrive at the best decision.
- Third, speed: Assuring you do things faster compared to yesterday and last quarter.
- Fourth, imagination: You continually bring better ideas and better innovation to the table.
- And finally, excellence in execution: That is implementation of these great ideas with a higher level of excellence today than yesterday

As this comes from NRN himslef, I do not want to add any thing more - just read, reflect and should I say,reap rewards.

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