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Friday, June 02, 2006

The Deep End @Sandhill.com

I have just started a new weekly column at sandhill.com titled The Deep End. The focus shall be on emerging global technology and business trends shaping the software industry today (This blog shall continue to get published regularly - though am trying my best to increase the frequency - fighting against a punishing travel schedule and flu for the past two days). The current column starts a series focussing on a new set of business and technology architecture that is likely to emerge. As I see it, with no clear investment sucking big idea on the horizon, the technology ecosystem is probably focusing now on extending & rationalizing the infrastructure, with an increasing focus on ROI and business value (Some go to the extent of seeing the current state of the technology industry and call it as a non growth sector!!). Read more here.

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Sadagopan's Weblog on Emerging Technologies, Trends,Thoughts, Ideas & Cyberworld
"All views expressed are my personal views are not related in any way to my employer"