IDC predicts that the APAC market for IT & IT services is expected to grow substantially – at CAGR of 10%. There is considerable diversity across the region, some markets from both a geographic and engagement points of view have significant potential and others are relatively lagging. This has significant implications for service providers and will increase complexity. IDC predicts that in 2010 the People's Republic of China will overtake Australia as the largest opportunity for IT Services provision in the Asia Pacific marketplace outside of Japan (APEJ). Additionally, the analysis also shows India overtaking Korea in 2011 to become the third largest IT services market in the region. So china Ahoy!!
Just came across this interesting piece by Andrew Schmitt wherein he talks about Guanxi and argues that the importance of Guanxi for companies seeking to win business in China varies depending on the sector!! Well I do not want to say anything more other than pointing to the interesting commentsposted therein. Generally speaking, it makes an interesting reading to look at the numbers posted in china by enteprise software companies and hardware majors(Warning : SAP may stand out).
Category :APAC, China, Guanxi