The Green Grid Alliance plans to reduce the energy use of servers in corporate data centers. This is enabled through the establishment of server power measurement standards and influencing product designs. Dell, HP, IBM and Sun Microsystems are coming together to promote greener corporate data centers. Dell,along with American Power Conversion and VMware, on May 2 joined the Green Grid Alliance, founded on April 19 by companies including Advanced Micro Devices, HP, IBM and Sun. AMD officials have said that the Green Grid Alliance will address data center power consumption and cooling, in part by looking at data center design and server deployment, as well as by fostering the creation of more energy-efficient computers and networking and storage gear. The group will also work toward creating standards for measuring server power consumption, which it says companies could use as tools to make better decisions about the machines they buy or other ways of fine-tuning their operations. The Green Grid's first goal is to raise awareness about data center power, with the work on efforts to create power measurements and influence product designs coming later, AMD officials have indicated.Meanwhile, the alliance may align with other like-minded groups, such as one—known loosely as the Eco Forum—that has been working on universal server power consumption measurements. Commendable, given the fact that the tech sector needs to do its bit towards making the earth more green.
Category :Emerging Trends