My extensive travel for the past several days -last destination in the trip was Vietnam - got bogged down into a number of meetings in Hanoi & Ho Chi Minh city (Vietnam is preparing to host Bill Gates shortly, everywhere in the country – from the communists to the commoner besides businessmen, were talking about this) – that meant almost limited time for catching up with other things, blogging included. The country is buzzling with young people and motorbikes. I could find very strong pro -US sentiments across cross sections of society. It is indeed incredible to see top ranked communist party officials talking proudly about Intel planning to invest several hundred million dollars in the country shorly.The top rated hotel in Ho Chi Minh city could not give me an internet connection uninterrupted for more than thirty minutes – am back in Singapore to travel again in a few hours and the next seven days look ahead schedule looks equally packed – I should also be in India for a very brief trip.Shall try and post as frequently as possible. For those asking my views on Vietnam as possible offshore service location - I endorse the view that its several decades away, if at all it can happen. I shall try and write in detail on another occassion on this.
Category :Vietnam, Emerging Trends