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Friday, March 31, 2006

Feedreaders Compared

Mike Arrington’s Techcrunch publishes a comparative analysis of the major feed readers. The note says underscores the extremely competitive atmosphere surrounding this industry’s development. On a feature-set basis only, two companies stood out: Rojo and Bloglines. He writes that Google Reader and FeedLounge won the subjective feed-load test, which determines how well the application pulls up a particular feed. The test consisted of loading five feeds and taking the average of the load times and rating the reader on a five-point scale. While bloglines continues to be my favorite, I see that Rojo’s Mojo , feed tags and Google’s labels. The study finds Feedlounge & Google Reader scoring 4/5 and Bloglines scoring 3.5/5 & recommends, Google Reader and FeedLounge score the fastest in performance, Bloglines and Rojo are the best choice for a feature rich application (and Rojo blows Bloglines away on “web 2.0″ type features). I see that Bloglines is improving and would continue to use it.

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