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Friday, March 17, 2006

Taking Research(ers) To Masses

Besides being the pioneer of offshoring, GE is more famous for its fabled management strength of management, GE is also one of the highly regarded all time innovators and relies on heavy duty research in a concerted way. Not for nothing that GE tops the list of most admired companies. Courtesy of Heather Green, saw this : GE’s Researcher’s Blog - Edison’s Desk. This is marvellous. 100 plus year old GE research has been a major force in pushing the frontiers on many arenas – from medical imaging to jet engines to lighting. GE has always been a pioneer or early adopter of new ideas and its researchers are now ready for interactions vis blogs. This should be very interesting considering that GE’s forte runs into every major scientific discipline and constantly pumps out game changing technologies to the market. To give an idea of how significant this is – IBM, the largest amasser of patent regularly publishes research journals (so are Intel, Sun etc.)– highly acclaimed they are – but are in the old format only, mostly HTML/PDF files or printed on glossy papers – In my quicksearch, I could not find a corner within the IBM world where there is an exclusive blogspace for its researchers ( mostly working on basic science). Another pioneering move – so to say – taking research to the masses !!!

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