A nice perspective about the recent spate of internet acquisitions. The article points out that post the tech bubble burst, old-media businesses are rushing back to the Web, planting their flags on-line as the Internet eats away at newspaper and television audiences. "It's a cognitive shift for the media sector that's only starting to register with many companies. Media companies are hunting for so-called sticky sites that have little to do with news content or programming, but offer enough gimmicks, such as photo publishing, music broadcasting or community networking. They want sites that keep people surfing longer and exposed to more advertising". Interactive websites that allow people to post their own content and connect with other users are the prize most companies seek.
My Take: While I agree with the need for the old media to move into embracing newer waves of technology to survive - see my coverage on the future of news, also see from the other side : This may be the best exit roué for internet companies for the foreseeable future. With less than favourable IPO market conditions for now, skyrocketing cost for talent and listing getting more and more cumbersome to maintain – this is god send gift for most of them. Also in a way this is the eloquent demonstration of the fact that building communities could be the best form of ability to make value- add happen coming true.
Category :Emerging Trends