These days, the forecast for most Web-based companies, and for the Internet economy in general, is "stormy weather ahead with lethal interruptions expected”.Zoli is su upset(rightfully so in my view) with technorati’s inability to service due to high volume that he recommends that big companies may need to buy it – while the idea has merits, surprisingly the biggies are also affected by the outage bug. Blogger outage and malfunction was rampant in the last two days – both planned and unplanned. yahoo’s myweb was down for sometime, outages have become a routine affair, raed more on this here.
I probably come from an old school – for me outages of services are unthinkable – what happens to all those redundancies that are talked about and provided for. Today it looks like sites can be unashamedly down and still be seen as doing business normally. Five years back showed how to rearchitect to make sure the site is neither slow nor down when the traffic reached 3 billion page views per year. With technologies improving, body of knowledge to maintain always available sites increasingly available, its time the world shows no tolerance to outages. Anybody not able measure up should get commercially serverly punished – with trackrecord like this, the ondemand world does not need any negative campaigning making a dent – their own actions are loud enough for discerning stakeholders to make inferences.
Category :Outages, Emerging Trends