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Monday, February 27, 2006

Google & Sun Coming Together

Read this interesting note written by Daniel M. Harrison speculating acuisition of Sun by Google. Amongst other things, the fact that the numerous option excercising and sale of stock insiders at the company have been carrying out recently - only last week, Chairman Scott McNealy relieved himself of roughly ten million dollars in Sun equity - and it all seems a little too coincidental.
Some related facts :
- Google stock has been experiencing a number of non-disclosed acquisitions.
Sun has had investors exiting to the tune of eight figures on a market cap of ten.
- Microsoft meanwhile, sits more comfortable than both at a price/earnings way below the industry average and with a product - Windows Vista - which everyone is talking about coming out later this year. These kinds of anomalies are typical in the behaviour of companies where acquisitions have been strategically arranged and are still in the 'preparation' phase

This is pure speculation based on a few co-incident events & ought to be seen that way only. While I can't say with any amount of certainity about this happening - I do not think that this is not plausible considering the state that Sun Microsystems is in today - atleast a divisional buyout looks plausible. But real decisions are generally taken on entirely different set of considerations.

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