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Sunday, January 08, 2006

Online Video : How Do The Players Stack Up

Triston Louis makes an excellent comparison of all the available online video offerings. As he sees how the major players could slug it out :Apple is using its dominance in the iPod space to try to gain power in the living room; Microsoft is using its dominance in the living room to try to get traction in the non-PC world (and gets an early edge as it will play on the Sony Playstation Portable and works on the Treo 700w); Yahoo! is hoping that an alliance with Nokia, which has a strong position in the mobile phone business, will help it in that space. This makes for a future battle in the portable video space with Microsoft getting an early hedge.
In this space, it is interesting to see two different business model collide: on one side, you have companies that are looking to offer advertising supported content to the masses and charge a premium for some of the content. The charging model on the premium content is also divergent from player to player: Apple is looking at a fixed per unit price, while AOL and Microsoft are looking at an all you can eat price for a larger fee. Although Yahoo! has not announced much in this space, they look primarily to the advertising supported model as the way to go. Google, on the other hand, is going to try to create a marketplace based on variable rates, and will probably use something similar to an AdWord for Video type of program to subsidize their own free content. These are all early positions, before next year CES, most of these differences could go away - however putting up with so many DRM till them looks too much.Read his article here

(Image Courtesy : Triston)

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