Related to the Google PC expectations, the venerable Om Malik points to David Krane - who says that google is happy with the PC partners who serve their markets exceedingly well and sees no need to enter this market. Om adds that the big news would be new and improved Google video. It is some sort of a video distribution deal which has been in the works for a while. Maybe content on demand, or finally a strategy and partnership that gives direction to Google Video. Garret Rogers does some under the hood research and speculates that Google may be getting ready to release a modified version of VLC media player that will be capable of handling these "pay-per-view videos". While all this speculation is going on, google stock price keeps moving up based on expectations of much higher prices. Will Bear Stearn analyst Robert Pech who first wrote about Google Cube stand up and clarify. Obviously this is not the way for a corporate like Google supporting underds of billion dollars in marketcap respond to and subject itself to speculations. Its high time Google Inc comes out with a statement of direction and key initiatives expected to get rolled out in the next 6/12 months - atleast the areas in which they may fall. GoogleInc has a responsibility not to give room for wild specualtions.
Category :Google, Emerging Trends