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Friday, December 23, 2005

Wink Launches Search Engine That Combines Tag Results

Courtesy of Techcrunch saw this annoucement of the launch of Wink. Wink has launched the public beta of its search engine that incorporates tag results from multiple sources including del.icio.us, Digg, Yahoo!My Web with search results from Google. Wink provides results as two halves - the first one comes from these communities, while the second one comes from Google. The results can be bookmarked & associated with del.icio.us. Wink searches across the Tagosphere and allows users to tag results directly its search results. The way it works is a result can be starred and recommended & tagged. Through tags, you can aceess the link during future searches. Wink Blogexplains that while Google and Yahoo are great for the whole Web, and we’ve integrated Google search into our service, but the Wink results - those are a measure of what people are thinking right now, based on their bookmarks and tagging. This is a very interesting one to watch.

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