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Thursday, December 22, 2005

Siebel Takeover : Last Hurdle Crossed

European Union clears the siebel takeover of Siebel. EU regulators examined the deal carefully to see how powerful the new company would be in the European market for customer-relations software and if the tie-up would cause wide-ranging "conglomerate effects" & concluded that the transaction would not significantly impede effective competition. Oracle has a huge integration challenge ahead but has promised its worried customer base to provide long-term support for new and existing versions of its applications. One unintended consequence seems to be that hosting solutions grow in the wake of Oracle acquisitions. Market sources confirm that operationally the two companies are reasy to be integrated any time. We have to now see the news of employee exits.Interestingly whats the price for acquiring marketshare in enterprise market - I % share is 1 Billion USD!! Anyway wishing the New-New Oracle all the best and hope that its depressed stock prices get a filip.

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