While some beleive that Micosoft shall have a good year ahead, Ray Ozzie's perspective about what microsoft could be doing in the year ahead - there are some important area where Microsoft's progress shall be monitored in the coming year.This list provides a good summary of key themes that Microsoft needs to go after in the new year.Besides taking Vista to the boardroom- microsoft needs refresh its online strategy. Itslatest online strategy is to match Google’s every move in hopes of raking in more advertising dollars, while taking yet another stab at subscription services. 2005 saw a lot of motion—leaked memos, blog buzz, reorgs, and a new "Live" brand—but little progress in terms of service improvements, audience share, or dollars. I agree that Microsoft’s online strategy must start to gel in 2006, or the company will find Google continuing to steal headlines and rake in the advertising bucks—or worse, building online services that begin to compete with Microsoft's core software franchises.
Category :Microsoft