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Thursday, December 01, 2005

GPL : Time For Overhaul

The rules governing the use of most free software program are getting revised now. The overhaul of the General Public License, which covers Linux and many other free software programs, is an issue of greater interest today than before. Industry analysts estimate that the value of hardware and software that uses the Linux operating system is $40 billion.This is the third proposed change in GPL standards. There is a public process of comment on GPL3, soliciting feedback on the license draft and defining the way that response to comments and concerns will be addressed moving forward. The new GPL could help overcome several deficiencies, like the one that allows people to use trusted computing to technically comply with the license by publishing their code, but to subvert its purpose by keeping your computer from running the code if you change it. Increasingly, Linux has become a competitive alternative to Microsoft's Windows, especially in corporate data centers. A document that describes the principles and timeline for updating the GPL, as well as the process for public comment and resolving issues, will be posted on the Web, here. RMS sees the revision of the GPL, as part of the long-term effort to liberate cyberspace. All users of free software and opensource software should watch developments centered around this plan.

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