India is seeing the big names of the IT industry visiting this quarter – John Chambers, followed by a no- press meet visit by Sam Palamisano, then high profile visits from AMD, Intel’s craig barrett visit – now Bill Gates is in India – The Google founders were here a quarter or so before.It is all happening in India. Bill Gates visit to India always attracts a lot of coverage and attention within India. He also does not disappoint & is very liberal with talking to the media. The media also competes and try to overdo each other. I know that tonight there is a prime slot interview that is scheduled with Narayanamurthy & Bill Gates participating.titled –“Changing India” 
Pre-empting NDTV, The Economic Times organized a breakfast meeting between Bill Gates & P.Chidmabaram, The Finance Minster for India and has published some excerpts of discussions between them and from an exclusive interview as well.
- Bill Gates believes that the next humdinger will be computers that are able to see, talk, and recognize handwriting. The only caveat is that while robots will be able to perform most tasks, they will never be as smart as human beings.
- As for the future of the PC, he said that it has a great future but in a very different form. Security issues are probably the biggest challenge before Microsoft, he said. Checking spam, holding off hacking are critical issues to make sure that people feel safe in being able to put sensitive material on the internet.
- In the sectors that Microsoft operates, India has a great advantage with its huge English-speaking population and great institutions like IITs and he adds that China has not done even a tiny bit on the lines of what Infosys and Wipro have achieved.
- Indian manpower is already amongst the best in the world. In a recent Microsoft test, he points out that eight out of the 14 people who bagged the perfect score were Indians.
As if reinforcing the big india plans of other majors Viz. Cisco's $1 billion investment plan in India, the largest that Cisco has committed outside the US, AMD's major plans for the country, Intel's matchingcommittment, Bill gates beleives that the
future revenue flows from Indian operations would be very high and notes that, "a time will come when revenues from India in Microsoft will be in proportion to its population in the world". What more to say - let all this happen .
Category :India