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Friday, November 18, 2005

Nokia Getting More Serious

Looks like Nokia under a new leader is trying hard to get the Wow factor back. Nokia is acquiring Intellisync. With this acquisition,Nokia positioned to deliver the complete offerings for the development, deployment and management of mobility in the enterprise.Intellisync offers email and PIM synchronization, and device management software with enterprises and OEM as its primary customers. Recently, Intellisync has pushed hard into mobile carriers - providing the backend email infrastructure for Verizon Wireless, and device management for Sprint, amongst around a dozen wins. More recently the company has also begun to offer mobile application and file synchronization for mobile users of corporate CRM applications, for example, and recently launched a subscription-based corporate wireless sync service aimed at SMEs. It has been at the forefront in enterprise mobility applications and device mobility with its wireless messaging software. Intellisync technology allows for synchronization of data and files with high levels of accuracy and security across complex software applications.

Nokia's acquisition validated the booming mobile email market. For a long time Nokia was criticised for its lethargic response to RIM, recently it inked an agreement with Microsoft to support ActiveSync, rolling out its own business email platform, and finally delivering on BlackBerry support on its own phones.Gartner’s king has the best take - Long term, you could very likely see a Nokia device with a RIM base client but with an Intellisync e-mail or a Microsoft device with Intellisync device management and an RIM e-mail client. In a world where carriers can literally mix and match mobile hardware and software, it is highly doubtful , if RIM will be able to respond as competitively. We can expect some more quick actions in the wireless email market space.

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