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Friday, October 07, 2005

Google Feed Reader

Google launched Google Reader today.Google now joins the highly crowded RSS reader market – Google's recent moves clearly showed that this was coming as its recently personalized home page and sidebar apps had RSS/feed readers built inside them. Google says ,reader makes it easy to find and subscribe to online feeds to help users organize and stay up-to-date on the ever-increasing amount of web information they consume on a daily basis. Google says like any other offering,there’s a clean, easy-to-use interface and includes a comprehensive feed finder, multi-media feed displays, and algorithms that can assist users with automatic content prioritization, plus easy sharing capabilities with email and "blog this" features.RSS feeds besides Atom feeds would be fully supported. My first OPML import taken from Bloglines failed - not sure why - but the look and feel looks good. I guess it is an acceptable norm for mini failures (without any relevant error messages appearing) during beta or launch in this changing world. This is said to be part of Google's ongoing effort to combine Google functionality with personalized web content to make information more relevant and useful to users. With aleady launched Blog Search(this did not manage to win good reviews so far) and with blogger.com, Google has moved into the centerstage of the blogosphere. Clearly warning bells must be ringing in competing product boardrooms(garages!).

Update : The interesting question is what's next for Google - With Google Factory Tour and direct tour slides failing to provide specific inputs on what lay ahead of Google in the immediate future, I find this list of google subdomains registered quite insightful.

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