(Via Scott Rosenberg ) John Battelle while opening the Web 2.0 conference said that last year, the mood at the conference was simply, "We made it" - we survived the Internet industry's dark winter. This year, he said, it's more like, "Something really important is going on - let's not screw it up." O'Reilly added: "We are definitely running the risk of another hype cycle." The whiff of bubble-mania that was in the air at the conference's first edition a year ago has now blossomed into a heady eau de dot-com. it seems likely that a certain number of people will get rich, a certain amount of money will be wasted, several important new companies and technologies will emerge and some indeterminate number of investors will be fleeced. I agree - the key difference however is the clear sign thar some can genuinely make the cut in the Wweb 2.0 world and become really successful.
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