The web technology is indeed undergoing major transformation. Around the world, I definitely see a major overdrive by enterprises to leverage web technology in multiple ways. David Coe writes about the revolutionary advances into the fourth generation websites. He characterizes the various generation websites as:

1G - welcome to first generation websites - it’s 1994 and big brother just bought a modem. Evolution is wonderful and soon we’re experimenting with more brand new tools - “Hey look dude - it’s like a word processor - but for the web!”.
It’s 1999…and this is the world of 2G websites - a new millennium - is there a new web model?… all of a sudden you, me, and everyone we know is spending many, many, many $$$$s online.
Most marketing departments are disenfranchised from the web experience by the tyranny of their IT departments - the online suffragettes of their generation. This lack of engagement allows an undercurrent of resentment - fragmented sales and marketing — fragmented web solutions. This is a 3G website world!
“Traditional” website structure just doesn’t work any more - have a look at some sitemaps and the chances are it’ll look like a “typical” organizational chart. Businesses are getting leaner — people are getting multi-skilled. Multi-tasking 24/7 is the norm. The work/life balance starts to erode in the name of flexibility and freedom. Websites don’t work with “old skool” navigational hierarchy any more. But let’s not just make them flatter. Tourists bring back souvenirs — explorers bring home ‘stories’. Content is king. Content is everything. Yet most sites still lack contentf the stuff that ensures that people will come back time and time again — to re-engage with your site. Websites are like ogres — they have layers Very Interesting indeed.Must read for all interested.
Category :Web Technology