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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

SOA : The Big Four Models

Almost all vendors today talk about their SOA strategy – so much so today that it is very rare to come across someone who does not talk about it as a cornerstone of their strategy. It makes a lot of sense to watch the steps being taken by the big guys for SOA –for two reasons – for maximal search and there is a considerable expectation that through well defined SOA strategy, an entirely new stack of applications. Loosely coupled applications may arise to challenge entrenched vendors in the fast consolidating software industry. Composite applications are expected to comprehensively transform the enterprise ecosystem.
Jeff Schneider has an excellent overview of the moves by the big four in their SOA strategy. His view on the approsches being taken by the big four:

Microsoft - Microsoft will make the WS-* protocol ubiquitous by pushing them into the operating system. This strategy is developer focused, once again hoping to create an ecosystem of applications sitting on top of their platforms (Foundation, .Net core and Windows).

SAP - Provide an application platform (NetWeaver), service enable their system (ESA) and create an ecosystem (Xapps).

Oracle – With applications space presence, oracle is concerned about the business services and processes. As J2EE stack is commoditized , it will use the WSDL as the new 'barrier to removal'.

IBM – With no toehold in the application space, IBM is in a bind – but courtesy IBM GSM, they may own customer’s technology due to their sheer strength and presence in managing outsourced process.

These clearly are indications (good ones as such)– no big vendor today has been able to clearly articulate their SOA approach and how these may transform theirs & customer landscape in say five years form now quite convincingly but Jeff has spotted the right traits,

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