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Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Dawn Of The Mobile TV

Last week while I was in Seoul the topic of mobile TV came up repeatedly in my discussions with friends. The digital mobile broadcast industry is set to take off in Korea in a big way – its already in operation in seoul and enthusiasts were talking about increasing the number of channels that can be watched through mobiles – some said that over a period of time these channel may grow and shall cover all currently available TV channels and may begin to outnumber traditional channels as these may create a new industry providing channel coverage specifically for mobile TVs.
Kevin werbach confirms that the Mobile TV is going to be big in the US as well and points to a company called MobiTV, which is sending TV programming to mobile phones over cellular data networks. This isn't nearly as good as the full-scale mobile broadcasting they have in Korea, and it's only available on a few phones from a few carriers. Nonetheless, customers seem to be responding. There are already 500,000 subscribers to MobiTV's service here in the US. The numbers show huge revenue upside and already players are investing millions of dollars in the infrastructure for mobile TV, and other companies are as well. I agree with the view that the true alternatives to conventional television like digital mobile broadcasting and the Internet-based platforms that companies like Google, Yahoo!, and Brightcove are building will have more of an impact sooner on transforming the TV industry.
Update : Contentsutra hoghlights about Mobile TV Initiatives In India

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