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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Intel + RIM = Exciting Future

Intel and RIM have agreed to a deal where Blackberry will use battery-saving chip technology in future versions of wireless handsets and support Intel’s push to encourage WiMAX long-distance wireless communications technology. A Research in Motion / Intel partnership may also give a glimpse of what is to come in future versions of BlackBerry handheld devices. RIM doesn’t yet offer the volumes that would normally attract the likes of Intel, they are a dominant player in the handheld market, a market that Intel has had trouble entering. The low-power Centrino chip would, of course make it easier for RIM to build Wi-Fi capabilities into future versions of the BlackBerry. When you hear about Intel getting into bed with a wireless handset maker to offer low-power, battery-saving chipsets that you could be talking about some type of Centrino technology. A Centrino powered next-gen BlackBerry that is WiMAX ready is too exciting to think of. Interesting development indeed.

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