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Friday, July 08, 2005

Marcus Birmingham, & Half Glass Leadership Perspective

Globally across the board, organisations are focussing heavily in building leadership - it is now abundantly clear that leadership and strategy would be the pricipal differentiators in the borderless corporate world, all other things remaining the same. Developing leadership is certainly both and art and a discipline to be learnt. While writing on this, we recently covered Marcus Birmingham's perspective on leadership where he wrote,effective leaders don't have to be passionate or charming or brilliant. What they must be is clear - clarity is the essence of great leadership. Show us clearly who we should seek to serve, show us where our core strength lies, show us which score we should focus on and which actions we must take, and we will reward you by working our hearts out to make our better future come true.

Wharton leadership poitns to Marcus Buckingham's latest speech at Wharton on leadership wherein he says, the best managers share one talent the ability to find, and then capitalize upon, their employees’ unique traits. “The guiding principle is, ‘How can I take this person’s talent and turn it into performance?’ That’s the only way success is possible.” And yet not everyone has that knack, Buckingham said. If he has learned anything from his years spent interviewing the best minds of the business world, it is this: Truly great managers, and truly inspiring business leaders, are rarer than many think. “Some of you in this room may not have that talent,” he said. “If not, management can become a thankless task.Buckingham highlights that a quick glance around the business world indicates that many companies have yet to grasp this simple concept of putting people’s strengths to use.. That’s because the business world - and the world at large - is obsessed with weaknesses and finding ways to fix them.Read the full article here.

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