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Saturday, July 16, 2005

The Internet & Changing Nature Of Applications

Web-based applications free companies from constraints on growth.In the traditional world,for most growing businesses the experience of implementing software is still a huge, expensive, distracting headache.The same approach to running software that makes online bank or bookseller so hassle-free for you is available to businesses for the applications they use every day. A growing business, is actually the best positioned to take advantage of this oncoming wave of technology: Web-based Applications. ASPs (Application Service Providers), On-demand applications, or Hosted software – here the application vendor hosts and maintains the software and the hardware to run it. The types of applications that are available using this approach run the gamut from pure business applications to group calendars, HR and workflow applications, and specialized applications for different industries. Some applications that use substantial resources on the PC, such as 3D modeling programs, are the laggards - but with faster networking technology even those types of programs may succumb to this trend.
With a web browser and access to internet, these applications can be accessed anytime and anywhere. The application vendor handles the thorny details of operating the database, backing up the data, and managing upgrades. Many of these applications are available by subscription - so instead of large up front payments, you pay by the month, for the amount you use.While these may not be feature rich as traditional - the vendors that are delivering applications in this manner are able to very rapidly improve their offerings - because they don't have to deal with the hassles of multiple versions and operating systems. They can also support you more easily because the customer support reps can see exactly what you are seeing without worrying about which patch you have.
Geographically diverse companies can leverage this facility better as it alleviates the need for setting up a VPN and remote PC access, all can be sharing the same data "on demand." It will be some time before you can completely get out of the business of backups, Operating System upgrades, and incompatible hardware - the PCs that employees use to access web-based applications are PCs nonetheless . But if using a web-based application can save you significant time and hassle dealing with software, it will free resources for tailoring the application to your company's needs; training yourself and your employees on using the application; or cutting out early to catch the ball game. IT is not going away in the era of web-based applications: It will be offering more value to the business than ever before.

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