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Monday, June 20, 2005

RFID Tags Make Huge Advances

While privacy concerns, costs and reliability over time seems to dampen RFID enthusiasts, the technology anyway seems to be in a major ascendant. We covered sometime back about RFID being at the core of business processes. PSFK trends writes, RFID shall obliviate manual counting of the inventory & create significantly reduced product theft. Knowing what's out-of-stock immediately and automatically. These are all benefits of RFID tags, Radio-Frequency Identification, a technology that is being widely adopted by manufacturers and retailers around the world.The possibilities seem only to be limited by our own imagination.
Some examples of major RFID initiatives:

- Levi Strauss & Co. in Mexico City has tagged every item in the store, allowing them to take full inventory in just 30 minutes.
- Chase bank has used RFID in credit cards that will enable users to just "wave" the card in front of the reader to make a payment.
- RFID will be used in many of the new keyless entry systems for automobiles.
- Hospitals are using it to positively ID patients. The benefit over a bar code is that the RFID can be read through sheets & clothing, eliminating the need to come in direct contact with the patient's bracelet.
- Gillette recently utilized the technology to determine the execution success of a promotional campaign, checking if the distributors received the product on time and if it was placed on the shelf before the promotion began.
- DHL plans to have every package RFID'ed by 2015

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