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Saturday, June 11, 2005

The Fascinating Story Of Wikipedia

(Via Pito Salas) An absolutely well told detailed story about Wikipedia - its origins, its nature of evolution, its current status and future direction (Courtesy Slashdot).If you are interested and fascinated with the Wikipedia, how it came to be, why it is the way it is, there's an absolutely gripping account of the history and origins on Slashdot:
"An impassioned debate has been raging, particularly since about the summer of 2004, about the merits of Wikipedia and the future of free online encyclopedias. This discussion has not benefitted by much detailed, accurate consideration of the origins of Wikipedia and of its parent project, Nupedia. Wikipedia as it stands is a fantastic project; it has produced enormous amounts of content, thousands of excellent articles, and now, after just four years, is getting high-profile, international recognition as a new way of obtaining at least a rough and ready idea about very many topics. Its surprising success may be attributed, briefly, to its free, open, and collaborative nature".

(Ref : "The early history of Nupedia and Wikipedia: A Memoir", part 1 and Part 2.)

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