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Friday, May 20, 2005

Gates, Technology & Taming Information Overload

At his annual shindig for CEOs, Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates told executives that businesses need to do more to help their employees sort through an ever-growing flood of information that threatens to become a drain on productivity.
Gates thinks its overwhelming adding nobody's paid to do search or just find information.At the end of the day you're paid for designing a new product, having a satisfied customer and doing that with the minimum amount of time, the minimum amount of people.'He said Microsoft's Office division is already developing products designed to make it easier for people to stay on task, collaborate on projects and quantify whether they're hitting their targets. He said the programs will help businesses be more competitive in what he called the "new world of work," where it will be easier to set priorities, understand important data and spend less time organizing information. No doubt inforation overload is a drain on productivity and equally important is stable windows platform with all supported applications running in a stable manner - half of my personal personal productivity loss comes on account of this and Gates is spot on in identifying the other half Viz Information Overload which eats into my productive time.

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