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Friday, May 13, 2005

Every Search Engine Is Different!!

We recently covered Phil Windley's collection of search engines which Phil says he uses on a regular basis when looking for different types of information.In a study of Internet searches, only 3% of results were shared by Ask Jeeves, Google, and Yahoo, demonstrating the differences between the major engines.Dogpile research shows that the search results delivered by Ask Jeeves, Google, and Yahoo differ substantially from one another. Using a random sampling taken from query logs, the study found that just over 3% of the returned results were shared by Ask Jeeves, Google, and Yahoo. Some 12% of the returned results were listed by two of the three search engines. And 85% of the results were unique to one of the three search engines.
Major search engines are not interchangeable and that metasearch engines offer a broader range of top-ranked results.As a metasearch engine, Dogpile aggregates search results from Ask Jeeves, Google, and Yahoo.Beyond simply gathering search results from several sources in one place, Dogpile tries to make the results more relevant by combining sponsored and algorithmic results in a single ranked list. The text label "Sponsored by" distinguishes one kind of result from another. This is a significant departure from Ask Jeeves, Google, and Yahoo, all of which separate paid links from unpaid ones more clearly using color, graphics, and position on the page. Dogpile also adjusts the order in which search results appear using its own search technology. While Dogpile's self-sponsored survey-in which a metasearch engine finds there's value in metasearch engines-makes a strong case for using the site, consumer usage patterns have a logic all their own

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