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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Web Readiness Index Of Nations -Europe Dominates!!

(Via eMarketer) The Economist Intelligence Unit has rated countries around the world for Web-readiness, and this year Denmark retained the number one position among 65 nations.Overall, the Sixth Annual E-Readiness Rankings Report, was upbeat, stating: "For perhaps the first time since the technology bubble burst, the global economy is beginning to feel comfortable in a digital skin. Spending on information and communications technology (ICT) is growing again with some buoyancy in developed markets. In emerging markets, expansion of connectivity - individuals' and organizations' access to voice and data communications- continues on a rapid ascent. Broadband Internet access, meanwhile, is reaching critical mass in several countries and becoming a catalyst for other improvements in the digital economy." The Rankings:
1. Denmark
2. US
3. Sweden
4. Switzerland
5. UK
6. Hong Kong
7. Finland
8. Netherlands
9. Norway
Europe dominated the listings. Only one Asian country finds a place in the top 10 - Emerging markets are making progress, but usually some of the components of a digital economy — infrastructure, security, transparency, innovation and skills — are still missing. India (49th) and China (54th) remain on the lower rungs of the e-readiness ladder, but are making growing contributions to the global digital economy on the strength of a strong ICT skills base (India) and a prodigious ICT manufacturing sector (China).

ThinkExist.com Quotes
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