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Friday, April 22, 2005

User Experience - A Quality & Not A Discipline!!

Peter Merhloz writes, usability isn't really a goal, and it's definitely not the end-all be-all and that Usability is simply a quality.It's an important quality, but just one of many and that it definitely doesn't warrant being a "discipline."
Earlier he wrote Usability is dead wherein he opined:
- there is a seeming lack of energy behind the concept of "user experience"
- people feel passion for disciplines such as "information architecture" and "interaction design," but if "user experience" were to go away tomorrow, no one would notice.
Peter Merholz expands by saying, "Elements of user experience need not be confused with elements of web design -the sum of elements leads to a "useful user experience".User experience is not a discipline, or an approach, it's a thing, a quality, an emergent property between a person and a product or service. A quality user experience is comprised of things like desirability, usability, enjoyability, utility, delight, satisfaction, etc. etc".User experience is everyone's responsibility. It is not the special province of interactive systems designers. The scope of people involved in helping supply a quality user experience is so vast, that you cannot draw an interesting circle around it and say, "that's the community."
User experience should not be just about interactive systems - it's a quality that reflects the sum total of a person's experiences with any product, service, organization. A very interesting perspective - I agree that user experience looks too glamorised and it has to be seen like the way Peter Merholz writes - all said and done readers have always complained that my blogsite template sucks - managing with precanned templates -planning to switch over to a new platform - time is the critical bottleneck

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