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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Tags - Do They Matter? Yes, No Doubt

Tim Bray questions the value of Technorati Tags, he asks:
Are tags useful? Are there any questions you want to ask, or jobs you want to do, where tags are part of the solution, and clearly work better than old-fashioned search? I really want to believe that tagging is big, a game-changer, but the longer I go on asking this question and not getting an answer, the more nervous I get. The question can be rephrased as whether tag-based searches have the potential to give better results than keyword-based queries.
My Take : Do tags matter? Yes. The utility of the Technorati tags feature appear very limited, while optimistic view suggests its bright and useful future. There are clear benefits to the tag approach, as this either enforces or encourages voluntary efforts providing linkages between content generation process and category and nature of content. Tag is one way to rationalize information in the blogosphere. Conventional search have seasoned technologies - as technology and implementation are having their birth pangs. Tags propose unique value propositions and can be of immense value when used judiciously. For instance popularity rating mechanisms can be altered with tags. Technorati recently launched associated tags - we wrote therein, Technorati should publish details and explain the generation and revisions of related. This is like creating the taxanomy structure- so have got to be done very carefully and also we may need to bring different categories of association. One approach could be to create a wiki of related tags. A comparative analysis between technorati and full blown search engines show the quality of results to be far more relevant on technology related topics.

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