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Saturday, April 16, 2005

Hollywood To Embrace BitTorrent!!

(Via Zdnet)Dr Vinton Cerf,who wrote the original TCP/IP protocol and currently chairman of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), told that he had recently discussed peer to peer file-sharing program BitTorrent with at least two interested movie producers. Cerf adds, various members of the movie industry are really getting interested in how to use the Internet-even BitTorrent- as a distributed method for distributing content.However Cerf is clear that the entertainment industry still did not understand the online environment.The ICANN chairman was particularly enthusiastic about pointing out what he said was a flawed perception about the Internet's ability to deliver movies in real-time.People think of video and they think of real-time, watching it as it's coming out [downloading, but most video doesn't have to be watched in real-time. With Tivo and those other things it doesn't have to be watched in real-time.It doesn't matter whether it's delivered by a real-time video stream, or a triple-charge thing that drops packets into a file like BitTorrent. At some point you get the whole file and then you watch it.Cerf concluded that too many people got caught up in the real-time functions of the Internet, rather than realising only a very small number of Internet applications actually needed real-time capabilities.
My take: Its high time Hollywood begins to look at internet technology for distribution(though there had been some failed initiatives) -atleast as an additional channel for distribution - with broadband speed and penetration increasing by the day - the leading edge in thought process for adapting internet for distribution should come form the most creative between the two - undoubtedly, its Hollywood's responsibility.

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