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Monday, March 21, 2005

Yahoo + Flickr and The Emerging Frontiers

The much expected news is confirmed to be true now - Yahoo buys Flickr. Caterina commenting in the Flickr Blog writes,"The things that were important to us were: being open, building innovative stuff and kicking ass. The stuff Yahoo's announced recently (including, ofcourse,this)? They're evolving in really interesting ways -
and from our look inside, we know know that there's a lot morecoming".Yahoo won't be the Yahoo you've come to take for granted.Competition has done great things for Yahoo. The best thing is we no longer have to worry about finance, HR, legal, or things at which we are completely incompetent and were taking our time away from building Flickr
Jeremy Zawodny writes, combining [Flickr's] mix of tagging, communities, syndication, open APIs, and interactive UI with Yahoo's services and millions of users will lead to even more great stuff.There are many parts of Yahoo that will be Flickrized in the coming months. And with more resources available, Flickr itself will be able to grow like never before.

Emerging Trends:
- Google,Yahoo and for academic completion include MSN for comparison of what they are doing:
- All the three have mail capabilities, web, toolbar, desktop search, paid search(includes plans)
- All three have RSS readers available in some form
- All three have picture imaging services
- Retail and Small Biz Services
- Blogging: Google has blogger – Yahoo has announced beta(Flickr shall be integrated into Yahoo 360), MSN spaces already exists.
- Yahoo has music service, MSN is getting in there. Google may be there
- Google and Yahoo already have catalogue services
- Google may have browser plans
- Yahoo may get into music and blogging more aggressively
- IM services of Yahoo and MSN may become more enriched, Google may need to get in there - we can expect something innovative to happen here.
As Joe Wilcox points outExtended Mobile Search could be the next frontier for all the three. All this means is that the range of services increase and as the user base is the whole connected world, the rate of innovation is also high - very exciting and all signs of more excitement to come.

Category :Internet Services
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