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Saturday, March 19, 2005

Blogger And Huge Performance Problems

We recently wrote aboutBlogger & blogging tools long way to go wherein we highlighted,"leave aside innovating - blogger has regular problems in publishing - sometimes publishing goes remarkably slow and basic things have been left unattended like - setting right the counter for the no. of items published (not fixed for about five months) and delay in incorporating basic features like trackbacks". Blogger has given persistence problems in publishing. Infoworld reports Google takes steps to correct performance problems slowing down its Blogger service saying blogger is working to address performance problems that slow down its popular Blogger service. Biz Stone writes, Google is both adding new hardware and addressing an electricity-availability issue in order to improve performance, -Biz Stone, a Blogger official in an entry posted in the official Blogger team blog. Stone wrote,"We use Blogger for this blog and many of the people on our team use Blogger for their own, personal blogs. We don't have a super-special employee server that gives us preference over anyone else so we are just as frustrated with slowness and performance problems," Stone wrote. "That being said, we are just as eager as you to make this fix so things will be fast again."
My Take : Clearly Google needs to spend more resources on Blogger and that too on priority.Can't wait to get going - hope blogger imporives features leaps and bounds after this bad publicity - my published no. of posts still shows 900+ reflective of status as back as Nov.2004. Like google - blogger needs to be at the leading edge of advancements - here it is seen as struggling to keep providing what it was providing two years back. After not many know how to seamlessly scale as google knows - not making blogger benefit from this expertise would definitely make criticisms like google not being innovative when there is not competition , google bought over blogger only for adsense etc appear true. Google has the unique opportunity of winning over the blogging communities loyalty and also resultant good feelings of being associated with it - it is seriously running the risk of losing this goodwill.

Categories: Blogger, Google.

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