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Saturday, February 12, 2005

Robert Scoble : Chief Humanising Officer

The Economist has an interesting article about Scobeleizer calling him Chief humanising officer in Microsoft. Excerpts with edits and comments:
Scoble known in the blogosphere as "the Scobleizer",is a phenomenon not just because he has had an unusually strange career of late,but because his example might mark the beginning of the end of "corporate communications" as we know it. Mr Scoble is, first, a blogger—ie, somebody who keeps an online journal (called a "weblog") to which he posts thoughts and web links several times a day. Scoble,also an employee of microsoft, where he holds the official title of "technical evangelist". Those two roles are intertwined. It was his blogging prowess that led to his job, and much of the job consists of blogging.
Mr Scoble seems to be worth his salary. He has become a minor celebrity among geeks worldwide, who read his blog religiously. Impressively, he has also succeeded where small armies of more conventional public-relations types have been failing abjectly for years: he has made Microsoft, with its history of monopolistic bullying, appear marginally but noticeably less evil to the outside world, and especially to the independent software developers that are his core audience. Bosses and PR people at other companies are taking note. Mr Scoble is at his best when he opines ruthlessly on Microsoft's technology. When Google or Apple or anybody else makes a better product, he blogs it. "I've been pretty harsh on Microsoft over the years," he says. This gives him credibility, and thus power. If somebody somewhere takes a swipe at Microsoft that is unfair, Mr Scoble can cry foul and actually have his readers concede the point.Inspired in part by Mr Scoble's success, executives at other companies—so far, mostly in tech—are starting their own blogs. Scobelizer stands out - I think amongst other reasons -
A. He is regular in the bloging circuit.
B.He picks up right issues.
C. He tries to be comprehensive in trying to cover a range of issues and as I had mentioned elsewhere in this blog, not every other blogger can be as effective as he is - definitely he stands out as an individual for his efforts and passion for blogging

ThinkExist.com Quotes
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