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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Mobile Growth Rate To Exceed PC Growth Rate in 2005

we recently covered The rate at which the features are expanding in the mobile phone is really phenomenal where we wrote that the mobile revolution should be rated next only to the internet revolution. Apart from ubiquity of usage, increasing features, the future potential of the mobile technology makes it all the more attractive technology to watch in the future.
A survey says, Global PC sales will slow in 2005 as customers wind down their replacement cycles, Gartner said, but growth will still be close to double-digits over last year. 2005 should see a 9 percent growth in the number of PCs shipped. That's slightly lower than the 11.6 percent increase in 2004 over 2003. The driving form factor will continue to be mobile PCs, said Gartner analyst George Shiffler. Laptop sales, for instance, are expected to surge by 17.4 percent in 2005, while desktops will grow by a relatively measly 6.1 percent. Mobile PC unit growth should outpace desk-based growth considerably again. "There are a number of reasons, including rapidly falling system prices, enhanced wireless, and expanded multimedia functionality."

ThinkExist.com Quotes
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