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Tuesday, January 11, 2005

The Hughtrain

The Hughtrain is a new branding framework starting with the thinking,"The market for something to believe in is infinite". Hugh Macleod,the original proponent behing this says, "We have entered an age, the first in history, where self-realization is not just possible for anelite few, but for everyone. The soul cannot be outsourced. Either get with the program or hire a consultant in Extinction Management. No vision, no business. Your life from now on pivots squarely on your vision of human potential. The evolution has to be from Human capital to physical capital to financial capital to intellectual capital to emotional capital and then onto expressive capital".
The 'Hughtrain' is brilliant - nicely sums up a lot of the ideas expressed with real lucidity, right metaphors and convictions. The cartoons are really drawn well and add a lot of depth to "Hughtrain".
Hugh MacLeod is a brand consultant, copywriter and cartoonist. Born in America but educated in the UK, he has spent most of his life shuttling between the two countries. He started out in straight TV advertising writing in the early 90s but with the advent of new media it evolved into new brand thinking and cultural transformation. His website, is widely read in the blogosphere.

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